
Do you still carry the name of your former slave masters?  If so, you are energetically cut-off from your roots!  It is time for you to choose a high vibration ascension name. These names were chosen due to their high spiritual frequency and their connection to ancient Kemetic rulers. These names carry trigger-tones that will help awaken dormant ancestral DNA for your rise in POWER, PURPOSE AND POSITION!  Don't wait. don't procrastinate. Don't put it off any longer!  Get your ascension name NOW and come into alignment with your greatness! 


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Great guide! Very useful..

Romona Spivey on May 12th 2017

Ascension Names This was a little more difficult for me because I didn't find anything that I felt suit my personality or essence. However I did figure it out, so it was helpful as a guide. Thank you.                                   "Auizia Ayaba Ba."


Het-Heru El Tariqa Ra on Apr 15th 2017

The list of names are very powerful! I'm so glad I found HPU and am excited to step into my power! It's amazing that it's only been 3 weeks from watching my first video online to becoming a member and now having an ascension name!! Thank you!!!

Noble and remarkable..

Rashida HET-HERU on Mar 6th 2017

The very essence of ascending is ..."To Rise". Achieving a higher level and being your best. These names are ...Noble...Remarkable and Worthy of attention.... Thank you

A new woman!

Anita Johnson on Mar 6th 2017

I am Ahura Rayowa Ra! Stepping into my greatness feels good when u have a title, a name of meaning!! I like my flesh name, Anita, it too has meaning however I didn't get to choose it, like so many other things in my life they were indoctrinated upon me. My ascension name… I love it means divine mother of life. Thank you my beautiful brother and teacher for creating a foundation and providing the tools for success. This is the beginning the birth of a new, proud and virtuous woman. AHURA RAYOWA RA. Ase

Beautiful names!

Het-Heru Seshat Ra on Jan 4th 2017

Thank you for taking the time to create this beautiful list of names. I didn’t know what to expect, but I fell in love. I shared my new name with a few friends, and they immediately began to mock me, but once I shared the meaning of my name, all they could say was, "Wow. That IS you." Haha! That moment was priceless, because they know my vibe is in alignment with this name. I feel confident, SUPER happy (which is driving everyone crazy), healthy, powerful and full of energy! I don't know if it’s because of my new name, the superfoods, the Gold, the Platinum, the Silver, the Copper, or the Iridium, but I feel AMAZING! It's game over once those generators come in! :) I highly recommend this list to everyone! It's only $4.95! As a matter of fact, if you are a black woman reading this review, I highly recommend joining Hidden Power University! I have learned so much in such a short time! I joined last month, and look at me now, I am Het-Heru Seshat Ra! Woop-woop! :) Thanks again!

Love these names!

Nefer Ra on Dec 19th 2016

Powerful & inspirational !

These names carry powerful energy!

Shafiyqa El Neter Ra on Dec 6th 2016

I wanted to embrace my culture and take on an African ascension name for a long time but I kept putting it off. THANK YOU for providing this valuable resource for those of us who have been stripped on our greatness! ASHE!!


Umi on Dec 6th 2016

This list of names was an excellent tool in helping me choose my ascension name. I knew the instant I came across this list what my true name was in my spirit! Thank you!